


To provide leadership in life readiness and longevity  through self- defense so people can optimize the time they have on this earth with those they love. 

Welcome to Boss Training Method (BTM), where I dedicate the same level of focus that propelled me to a very high level in the SEAL Teams to helping you achieve the results you want.

I started BTM because I believe personal health and self-defense are fundamental responsibilities. After all, what do you have if you don’t have your health or your safety?

First, exercise has not only been a passion of mine since I was 11yrs old, it also saved my life. In college I blacked out after running on the treadmill preparing for Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training and I ended up in the hospital with my blood pressure 60/40, which is abnormally low. One doctor told me it was a heart condition and that I could never be a SEAL because of it. Another doctor told me it was an exercise-induced anaphylactic reaction to two foods. Well, the second doctor was right and advised that if it weren’t for my fitness level, I probably wouldn’t have lived. The way I see it, fitness gave me the life I wanted, which was to become a Navy SEAL. The experience also underscored to me that not all doctors — and certainly not all fitness trainers — are created equal.

Second, as a 45-year-old father with a two-year-old daughter, I want to be able to play with her (and my son, for that matter) until it’s no longer “cool.” To do that, I need to eat well so I have the energy to sustain myself and the strength, mobility, and cardiovascular capacity to keep up with her. It would be irresponsible of me as a father, a husband, and a son to forego my health because they depend on me.

Finally, everybody should know how to defend themselves. The world is an imperfect place. There are two-legged predators out there who prey on the weak and strike when the advantage favors them. I want to give people the opportunity to learn how to protect themselves, their loved ones, or their neighbor using physical or basic verbal skills. Violence is never the answer, until it is.


As a Master Trainer, I offer the very best in personal training, nutrition coaching, and self-defense with a focus on fun, convenient, in-home training using kettlebells, bodyweight, and functional movement exercises for your workouts, and armed/unarmed defense against edged and contact distance weapons using empty hands and/or the knife you carry for self-defense.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me anytime.

Certifications & Experience


  • Certified Instructor, Martial Blade Concepts
  • Black Belt, Kuk Suhl Won
  • Muay Thai
  • Home Defense Certified Instructor, US Concealed Carry Association (USCCA)
  • Virginia Concealed Carry


  • Being True To You (psycho-spiritual, addiction recovery, psychedelic integration)
  • International Coaching Federation
